Koreans are disgusting people (1)

Insult to Emperor Hirohito

Insult to Japan's Rising Sun Flags

Koreans kill pheasants, the national bird of Japan

Koreans desplay skulls of dogs to express their anger.

Koreans kill animals to express their anger.

"Kill Jap" demonstration in Seoul

Anti-Japan Education for children

A brain-washed Korean who passionately hates Japan

Koreans celebrate Japan's 2011 Earthquake

at a Soccer Stadium

Erecting "Comfort Women" Statue

in front of Japan's Embassy in Seoul

Erecting "Comfort Women" Statues

in the U.S. and elsewhere in the World

to spread lies

Erecting "Tsunami" building behind

Seoul Municipal City Gov. building

that was constructed during the Annexation Era

Other Insults

History Distortionist  
Left: A Korean professor trying to equate Japan's Rising Sun to Nazi Swastika

Right:Koreans bullying Chinese in Manchuria waving Rising Sun Flags during the Annexation Era

Koreans are disgusting people (2)

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