Moguro Fukuzo
Magee, John Gillespie
If his testimony at the Tokyo Tribunal is true, how could he have a Sunday church service on December 18, five days after the fall of Nanking?
Therefore, the author considers that this Christian minister is a liar.
Bates, Miner Searle On December 15, 1937, Miner Searle Bates met two reporters of Tokyo Hibi Simbun (now Mainichi Shimbun) and said, gWe are very happy to see that, thanks to the orderly entry of the Japanese Army into the city, Nanking has promptly regained its peace.h
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However, on the very same day, Bates delivered to the foreign correspondents leaving Nanking what Japanese researchers call the gBates Report,h which states as follows.
At Nanking the Japanese Army has lost much of its reputation, and has thrown away a remarkable opportunity to gain the respect of the Chinese inhabitants and of foreign opinion. The disgraceful collapse of Chinese authority and the break-up of the Chinese armies in this region left vast numbers of persons ready to respond to the order and organization of which Japan boasts. Many local people freely expressed their relief when the entry of the Japanese troops apparently brought an end to the strains of war conditions and the immediate perils of bombardment. At least they were rid of their fears of disorderly Chinese troops, who indeed passed out without doing severe damage to most parts of the city
But in two days the whole outlook has been ruined by frequent murder, wholesale and semi-regular looting, and uncontrolled disturbance of private homes including offences against the security of women. Foreigners who have traveled over the city report many civiliansf bodies lying in the streets. In the central portion of Nanking they were counted yesterday as about one to the city block. A considerable percentage of the dead civilians were the victims of shooting or bayoneting in the afternoon and evening of the 13th, which was the time of Japanese entry to the city. Any person who ran in fear or excitement, and any one who was caught in streets or alleys after dusk by roving patrols, was likely to be killed on the spot. Most of this severity was beyond even theoretical excuse. It proceeded in the Safety Zone as well as elsewhere, and many cases were plainly witnessed by foreigners and by reputable Chinese. Some bayonet wounds were barbarously cruel.
Nine years later at the International Military Tribunal for the Far East (gTokyo Tribunalh), Bates testified as follows.
The bodies of civilians lay on the streets and alleys in the vicinity of my own house for many days after the Japanese entry. (p. 2630)
Professor Smythe and I concluded that, as a result of our investigations and observations and checking of burials, that twelve thousand civilians, men women and children, were killed inside the walls within our knowledge. (p. 2630)
Large parties of Chinese soldiers laid down their arms, surrendered, immediately outside the walls of the city and there within the first seventy two hours, (they) were cut down by machine gun fire, mostly upon the bank of the Yangtze River. (p. 2631)
A little earlier I estimated, very much more cautiously and on the basis of the safety zone reports alone, some eight thousand cases.
Every day and every night there were large numbers of different gangs of soldiers, usually fifteen or twenty in a group, who went about through the city, chiefly in the safety zone because thatfs where almost all the people were, and went into the houses seeking women. In two cases, which I remember all too clearly because I nearly lost my life in each of them, officers participated in this seizing and raping of women on the University property. The raping was frequent daytime as well as night and occurred along the roadside in many cases. (p 2634)
On the grounds of the Nanking Theological Seminary, under the eyes of one of my own friends, a Chinese woman was raped in rapid succession by seventeen Japanese soldiers. I do not care to repeat the occasional cases of sadistic and abnormal behavior in connection with the raping, but I do want to mention that on the grounds of the University alone a little girl of nine and a grandmother of seventy-six were raped. (p 2634)
In the first days of the occupation the solders, whom we roughly guessed to be about fifty thousand in number, took a great deal of bedding, cooking utensils and food from the refugees. Practically, every building in the city was entered many, many times by those roving gangs of soldiers throughout the first six or seven weeks of the occupation. (p. 2635)
Higashi-nakano Shudo, professor of history at the Asia University discovered that M.S. Bates was the adviser working for the Chinese Government.
On December 15, 1937, two days after the entry of the Japanese Army, M.S. Bate delivered entirely different statements, one to the Japanese reporters and the other to the American journalists. How come any honest man can do this?
Furthermore, if descriptions of Bates Report and his testimony at the Tokyo Tribunal are true, we shall have the following questions.
- Question (1)
- How do you explain the fact that the population increased at Nanking while horrible atrocities (includig 8,000 cases of rape and 12,000 cases of murder) were going on there ?
Time Population Source Mid-December 200,000 Documents of the Nanking Safety Zone ©Click to review the analysis of the document Mid-January 250,000 Documents of the Nanking Safety Zone ©Click to review the analysis of the document Mid-February 300,000 Nanking Special Service Corps Report, p152 ©Click to get the full text of the report Mid-March 380,000 Nanking Special Service Corps Report, p162 ©Click to get the full text of the report
- Question (2)
- How is it possible to take the photos such as those below inside the city of Nanking ?
December 17 January 1 January 19 February 1 mid-February
- Question (3)
- How do you explain the following newspaper published one month after the fall of the City?
Jan.18, 1938 edition of Tokyo Hibi Shinbun « Click the image to get the full view in PDF file format. Actually, many Japanese researchers consider that the fabricated story of M. S. Bates is the genesis of the Nanking Massacre hoax.
Since his descriptions are contrary to various evidences such as photos and the population increse, the author considers M.S. Bares is a dishonest evil man and a liar. His false statement caused the ingominious death of good commander Matsui Iwane, tarnished the reputation of the Japanese Army without cause, stoke the fire of hatred around the world toward Japan, and provided China with a propaganda tool to humiliate many generations of the whole Japanese race.
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