This scene appears immediately after the Japanese Armyfs advance into the city.
Two Chinese men stand close to the Japanese soldiers sitting idly behind.
The white box one Japanese soldier has on his lap should be cremated bones of his fallen comrade.
Despite the testimony of John Magee, who appeared in the Tokyo Tribunal after WWII and said, gThe killing began immediately in several ways,h
you may surmise that the soldiers did not attack people in mindless killing-spree and the life in Nanking seems to be rather peaceful.
The Chinese Nationalistsf airplane shot down by the Japanese fighters over the Nanking City.
Notice the gBlue Sky with a White Sunh mark on the wings.
Nanking citizens who escaped from the city to avoid the battle return to the city as the peace has been restored.
Nanking citizens gathering to receive the gÀØFCertificate of Good Citizenh A person carrying the certificate is entitled to receive food from the Japanese Authority.
Same as above.
The Japanese soldiers in Army uniforms issue the certificates to the citizens. If the mass killings of 300,000 people actually took place, how is it possible that these Chinese locals gathered in a row to receive papers from the Japanese soldiers in Army uniforms?
Four persons are allowed to enter the building at a time.
Japanese soldiers on guard-duty. Nanking City in early or mid-December is very cold. Soldiersf notes say the temperature is -3 or -4 Celsius in the morning and +5 Celsius at noon. The narration says this is the first snow fell in the city of Nanking.
This is the standard army uniform. Compare this winter situation with the photo used in the gRape of Nankingh by Iris Chang. The man beheading the victim wears a short-sleeve shirt.
Since all Japanese Army vacated and left Nanking by early February, 1938, except for a small unit for the aid of the newly established government, the photo below must be a fake.
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Chinese children playing with firecrackers while a Japanese officer passes by. Note that these children do not pay any special attention to the Japanese officer.
The citizens of Nanking gathering around the traditional old building in order to celebrate the establishment of the Nanking Autonomous Government. If the mass-killings actually took place, how is it possible to see these people gather in one place waving hinomaru flags?
Japanese soldiers recuperated at the army field hospital go back to their duty. Note the discipline they show while marching. Disgracing these brave army soldiers by calling them cruel mass-murderers is a shameful act of lie only the despicable Chinese Communist Party leaders, who had gunned down un-armed young students at the Tienanmen Square in 1989, can think of.