US President D. Trump hugs former comfort women Yong-soo Lee at state banquet in Seoul (November 7, 2017) |
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LEFT TOP:Kim Ki-jong, the attacker who inflicted severe cut injury upon the face of Mark Lippert, U.S.Ambassador to S. Korea
There should have been security risks in this abrupt permission of an unknown person to hug with US President. LEFT BOTTOM:Korean activists reportedly put fire on the US flags before the eyes of President Trump.
Watching the scene, the author wondered whether President Moon Jae-in was a maniac or a lunatic.
The invitation of Grandma Yong-soo Lee might be flattery for his internal political base, which is mostly composed of Korean left-wingers/leberals. If this was the case, President Moon used this state banquet with US President for his own political pandering.
Furthermore, this action is clear violation of 2015 Japan-ROK bilateral agreement made under auspices of then US Vice President Joe Biden, which put an end to the Comfort Women Issue “finally and irreversibly.”
Recently, President Moon declared that the 2015 comfot women agreement was unacceptable for most of S. Koreans. Then, what? You should not use the word “unacceptable” after agreeing the deal and the other party (Japan) executed all of its obligations including payment of one billion yen.
Dissatisfaction over the agreement is not limited to S. Koreans. When the agreement was made, there was also a great deal of public discontent in Japan. Many young people took to the streets in protest of the deal. The author openly called Prime Minister Abe "a traitor" myself. However, faced with the North Korean threat, it was necessary for us to overcome our anger for offering apology and money once again only to mollify all-time cry-baby S. Koreans. After substantial disputes, we reached a conclusion that we had no choice. Finally, we were convinced that PM Abe had made a least amount of concession in order to keep the three-party alliance of Japan, the U.S. and South Korea.
It was always the policy and pressure of the Obama Administration to keep “the triangle alliance” at the expense of Japan. Seeing this, S. Korea acted like a spoiled child. As a precondition to have a summit meeting, President Park Geun-hye demanded Japan to put forward a proposal that is satisfactory for the general public of S. Korea and the former comfort women who now live in the Sharing House. Asked by a newspaper reporter about what conditions were satisfactory, Grandma Yong-soo Lee answered that "either Prime Minister Abe (and all other succeeding prime ministers) or Emperor Akihito come to Seoul, kneel down before the girl statue and beg for mercy."
When this news reached Japan, we were furious. We understood that they were not talking about human rights. Their ultimate goal is to subjugate Japan by using political power of the U.S., which is our important ally. There was a public outcry to cut off all diplomatic and/or economic relations with S. Korea. As the result, they extorted one billion yen in return for not making such humiliating conditions satisfactory for them. After the agreement, almost all of the Japanese were fed up with these spoiled badass old hags.
However, it appears that President Moon intends to terminate the agreement unilaterally, by asking President Trump to agree with him. Grandma Yong-soo Lee might have been used for that purpose.
After the WWII, the former paid-prostitutes such as Yong-soo Lee had lived a quiet life unnoticed from the world until Chong Dae Hyup (Korean Council), an organization closely linked with North Korea, made them come forward to use them as a tool of harassment and defamation against Japan.
The S. Korean society, which is full of anti-Japan sentiment with people brainwashed by education with hatred towards Japan, treated them as celebrity as long as they play a victim of Satanic Japan. Once a life of oblivion now turned to be that of a heroine, like Joan of Arc to fight the arch-enemy Japan. This turn of events must have been a great joy for the lonely hearts as they obtained the treasure that was beyond their imagination; fame, attention, and respect from the young people. This intoxication of over-inflated ego was not without by-products. They begin to consider that all hoaxes fabricated by the Korean Council actually took place. Now, they cannot make distinction between facts and fantasies.
There seems to be no let-up in Korean appetite of harassing Japan even in the face of North Korean threat of nuclear missile attacks. This maniacal attitude led to the incongruous and grotesque appearance of US President and a former prostitute hugging at the state banquet.
Nobody knows how President Moon introduced or described to President Trump about Grandma Yong-soo Lee. However, one thing is clear and certain. President Trump is more clever than former President Obama, for he was not deceived by the Korean tear-jerker tricks and did not give a lip service to denounce Japan.
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