Mr. Sugiyama's Oral Statement at UN CEDAW Conference on 16 February 2016

国連女子差別撤廃委員会・日本政府答弁 (2016年2月15−16日) からスクリプト起し












朝日新聞は2014年8月5日付の記事で、女子挺身隊とは、戦時下の日本内地や旧植民地の朝鮮・台湾で、女性を労働力として動員するために組織された女子勤労挺身隊をさす、 <

P>目的は労働力の利用であり、将兵の性の相手をさせられた慰安婦とは別だ、としたうえで、20万人との数字のもとになったのは、通常の戦時労働に動員された女子挺身隊と、ここでいう慰安婦を誤って混同したことにある、と自ら認めているのであります。 なお、性奴隷といった表現は、事実に反します。




今後、従って韓国政府が、元慰安婦の方々の支援を目的とした財団を設立し、これに日本政府の予算、―10億円程度でありますが― で資金を一括で拠出し、日韓両政府が協力し、すべての元慰安婦の方々の名誉と尊厳の回復、心の傷の癒しのための事業を行うこととなっております。







Statement by Shinsuke Sugiyama, head of the Japanese Delegation

(Mr. Sugiyama’s description on the Japan-ROK agreement)

In addition to what I already said, I want to touch upon some other matters as I consider they are important. I will talk only on the main points.

As described in our written answer, the Government of Japan performed a full-scale fact-finding investigation on the Comfort Women Issue after it had become a serious political and diplomatic problem between the governments of Japan and ROK in early 1990s. However, from among the documents that were made available by the investigation, not a single shred of evidence was discovered that made us ascertain that there was so-called “forced recruitment” by the Japanese Army or Police Authority.

Wide spread of views that Comfort Women were forcibly recruited was caused by the release of the fabricated story of Mr. Seiji Yoshida, who is now deceased, in his book titled as “My War Crimes” published in 1983. In this book, he told that he himself had rounded-up a large number of women in the Jeju Island of Korea in accordance with the order of the Japanese Army.

A short time later, the fake story contained in the book was widely reported by Asahi Shimbun, one of the leading newspapers in Japan, as if it was a real story. The sensational media coverage had great impact not only on the public opinions of Korea and Japan but also those in the international community.

However the story of the book was discovered to have been fabricated. Multiple researchers proved that the story was a product of complete imagination.

This is evidenced by the newspaper articles carried by the Asahi Shimbun itself several times that admitted the factual errors of the newspaper, including those carried on August 5 and 6, 2014 as well as others in September. Faced with criticism, the Asahi Shimbun officially apologized to its readers on the errors.

The figure of 200,000 women and girls is also a baseless number that has no corroborating evidences.

In the article dated August 5, 2014, the Asahi Shimbun described that the Women’s Volunteer Service Corps was organized within Japan and then annexed Korea and Taiwan for the purpose of mobilizing women for factory workforce to fill up the vacancy of drafted men and therefore, it is completely different from Comfort Women who provided sex services for military servicemen. Asahi Shimbun also admitted that its error of the mixed-up was the genesis of all subsequent misperceptions that 200,000 women were forcibly mobilized for sex services.

There is one more comment to add. The term “Sex Slavery” is a misleading expression that is contrary to the facts.

Both governments of Japan and ROK have continued discussions on the Comfort Women Issue for reaching an agreement at earliest date and, as I said before, foreign ministers of both governments held a meeting in Seoul on December 28 last year and successfully agreed on this matter and declared that this issue was resolved finally and irreversibly.

In the summit telephone conference held in the afternoon hours of the same day, President Park and Prime Minister Abe confirmed the striking of the deal and expressed appreciation for the efforts of each counterpart.

Since the document of the agreement is attached to the written answer as I mentioned at the beginning of my statement, I will not describe the details of the agreement.

To this day, the Government of Japan has faithfully grappled with the issue through the Asian Women’s Fund and other means available for us.

This policy is reflected again on the most recent Japan’s deal with ROK. In accordance with the agreement, the Government of ROK will establish a foundation for the purpose of providing support for the former comfort women, the Government of Japan will contribute for the fund as a one-time contribution through its budget, approximately 1 billion yen, and both governments of Japan and ROK will jointly take measures to recover the honor and dignity, heal the psychological wounds of all former comfort women

Both governments of Japan and ROK are currently in the process of faithfully executing the agreement. Not a change is made on the point even now. We would be grateful if the international community could extend kind understanding on such efforts being made by the both governments of Japan and ROK. Just for your information, it is our understanding that the international community welcomed the Japan - ROK agreement, including UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon.

Finally, there is one more point to add to my statement. Ms. Hofmeister, who questioned me, suggested examples of other countries.

With regard to the reparations, rights and claims pertaining to the WWII, the Government of Japan has faithfully carried out all obligations arising out of multilateral and bilateral treaties, including 1951 Treaty of San Francisco, which Japan ratified with 45 nations such as USA and France, Japan-ROK Right of Claim Agreement, Japan-PRC Deal for Settlement, or whatsoever. Although I do not go into details on each of these treaties for time-consuming legal explanation here, the Government of Japan takes a firm stance that all problems with the parties thereto have been already legally settled including claims by individuals.

In spite of such a stance, I want to remind you that the Government of Japan took pains to provide assistance for the welfare of the former comfort women by establishing the Asian Women’s Fund, using the fund raised from the general public and appropriated from the government budget. I do not go into details of the Asian Women’s Fund as I think all members participating in this conference have a good knowledge on this fund. By mentioning about the fund, I end my answer statement.

Thank you.

Original statement was made in the Japanese language and translated by Moguro Fukuzo, the author of this webpage.