Notice that these people are relentlessly bashing Japan in an attempt to drive a wedge into the Japan-US alliance.It is open seclet that the Global Alliance (*1), a San Francisco-based anti-Japan Chinese organization, is behind the Korean Council (*2), which promotes anti-Japan smear campaign in the United States.
(*1) gGlobal Alliance For Preserving The History of WWIIh i¢ŠER“ú푈ŽjŽÀˆÛŒì˜A‡‰ïj
(*2) gKorean Council for the Women Drafted for Military Sexual Slavery by Japanh (’ð‘΋¦ Chong Dae HyupjKorean traditional stratagem of Iganzili—£ŠÔŽ–) is well-known. It is to sow discord and mistrust between onefs rival and his superior in order to outwit the rival. They use this stratagem regularly and on a daily basis.
Likewise, the Chinese use the traditional tactics called g•¶Uh(literally translated as hLiterature Attackh). Examples of the tactics are: distortion of history; spreading baseless rumors, false accusation, false witness accounts, blame-shifting, mudslinging or smear campaign, outright lies, etc. To make the tactics effective, mass-media and education are their primary targets.
The Chinese and Koreans, both preoccupied with gNeo-confucianismh are similar in their behavior.
Under the mask of rosy words such as women's rights at war, human rights, etc. these conspirators are hiding their real intent, which is to: 1) tarnish the reputation of Japan through smear campaign; 2) sow discord and mistrust between Japan and the US; 3) thereby serve for the benefit of Narcissistic Personality Disordered Koreans and/or CCP(Chinese Communist Party) dictatorship.
«Reading the following page will help you gain more insight.
- 1. Early Infiltrators
Soh Ok-cha, president of WCCW (*3) and Lane Evans, representative of Illinois Democrat, prepared the original draft of US House of Rep. Resolution 121. Later, as health conditions of Lane Evans deteriorate, the draft resolution was handed over to Mike Honda.
(*3)WCCW : Washington Coalition for Comfort Women Issues Inc.
- 2. Anti-Japan Racism Incarnated : Mike Honda
In 2007, Mike Honda managed to pass US House of Rep. Resolution 121, which falsely accused Japan of coercive recruitment of comfort women.
The author overlooked the seriousness of the Resolution, considering it just another gbad hobbyh of Americans. I knew Americans often enjoy condemning others from moral high grounds, forgetting all the sins they had committed themselves. This holier-than-thou, overbearing arrogance is one big fault of Americans.
gJust another fluec Forget it.h I thought.
I was wrong. This one-sided, racially prejudiced, groundless accusation now takes the form of inscription of Comfort Women Statues built in varios locations in the US, albeit it is written in different words.
Americans should be ashamed of making such a stupid resolution, let alone allowing to build the slanderous inscription in your town!
Now, you may notice that the Comfort Women Madness has evolved as follows.
(1) 1983 Yoshidafs lies in the book gMy War Crimesh
However, in August 2014, Asahi Shimbun admitted that Yoshida's story was fake, the newspaper mixed-up Women's Volunteer Corps with Comfort Women, and retracted all articles related to Yoshida's story.
¨(2) 1990-95 Asahi Shimbun's war-guilt campaign based on "My War Crimesh
¨(3) 1996 Coomaraswamy Report
¨(4) 2007 U.S. House of Representatives Resolution 121
¨(5) Inscription engraved in stones or metal plates placed along with comfort women statuesWhat this means?
Entire processses (2) through (5) were debased. Since (1) is null and void, the rest of the processes (2) through (5) are null and void too.
- 3. Chinese Spies
Related Newspaper Articles
- 4. Korean Narcissists (Chong Dae Hyup and their sympathizers)
Building the Comfort Women Statue and performing demonstrations in front of the Japanese Embassy is clear violation of Article 22 of Vienna Convention that assures the peace, dignity and security of a foreign envoy. However, violating such social norms seems to be the everyday matter for those psychopathic people. Besides, they are trying to nullify 2015 bilateral agreement with Japan, which stipulates that the comfort women issue was "finally and irreversibly resolved." They assert that the agreement lacks gvictims-centered approach.h The Agreement was unpopular in Japan too, as we have our own views on the matter and all issues had been already resolved "finally and completely" by 1965 Agreement. However, we swallowed the bitter pill as it was a country-to-country agreement signed under PM Abe's leadership. Their demands are boundless, and having any treaty or agreement with S. Korea appears to be meaningless.
A. Why we hate Comfort Women Statues?
Q. Because they are poison apples of the witch. They satisfy your appetite for now, but they will have long-term effect that leads to the death.
gMagic Mirrorh Syndrome of S. Koreans:
Every morning, the Queen asks the Magic Mirror on the Wall the following questions:
gMagic Mirror on the wall, which country has the greatest number of Nobel Prize winners in Asia?h;
gWhich country is the most technologically advanced in Asia?h
gWhich country in Asia contributed most in economic aid for the developing countries of the world?h
The Magic Mirror never answers, gIt is S. Korea.h Instead, it coldly says, gIt is Japan.h
Then, out of strong jealousy, the Queen exposed her true nature, became the Witch and began to sell poison apples. Today, you see the poison apples in San Francisco, Glendale CA, Brook-haven GA, Fort Lee NJ, etc. in the form of Comfort Women statues.
- 5. Flying Monkeys (or Lynch mob)
- Why do some Americans NOT listen to our side of story? It seems to me that Americans have DEAF EARS to our refutation and continue to insult our fathers and forefathers with NO supporting evidences presented, like witch hunt in the Medieval Age or Lynch Mob Racist Terror upon African Americans back in early 20th century.
Washington DC
San Francisco, California
Brookhaven, Georgia
Fort Lee, New Jersey
Self-righteous Americans blindly believe what the Koreans say to them, have no ears to listen to the other side of story, and with much arrogance beyond one's comprehension, indulge in their smear-campaign against Japan and the Japanese like lynch mob.
Spreading baseless rumor in an attempt to tarnish the reputation of other races will not give you moral superiority, Americans!
Now, the author wants to ask those flying monkeys one big question. The Comfort Women Issue first acquired the public attention in 1983, when the gMy War Crimesh by Seiji Yoshida was published and Asahi Shimbun Newspaper published many articles relating to the book. 1983 minus 1945 equals to 38. Why did the Koreans NOT bring this issue to a diplomatic table for the duration of 38 years after the end of WWII?
Is there any particular reason for that? Did they not remember the alleged abduction of 200,000 young girls/women by the Japanese Army? Are you saying that Koreans forgot the suffering for 38 years and all of a sudden they recovered the lost memory in 1983 ?
Furthermore, as mentioned above, Asahi Shimbun admitted that Yoshida's story was fake, the newspaper mixed-up Women's Volunteer Corps with Comfort Women, and retracted all articles related to Yoshida's story in August 2014. Then, what are you going to do?
Do you still continue to tell the false story to the young people?
Those monuments are made of metals and accompanying false, slanderous messages are engraved in stones. They will last hundreds of years unless intentionally destroyed. It is sheer hypocrisy to call them "peace monuments." They are nothing but a symbol of hatred and character assassination.
You have heard only Korean side of story - false allegation of forced recruitment of 200,000 women - and turned deaf years to our refutation. It is your decision to continue to spread baseless rumors and direct your persistent hostility toward us for the next centuries to come. This outrageous act never ends unless you destroy those ugly monuments right away.
Americans have to know that these flying monkeys are doing everything to lose your best friend. Why do you poke your nose into everything in the world with little knowledge or total ignorance of the matter?
Best Words for you when considering the Comfort Women Issue Clearly, those American flying monkeys are building Comfort Women Statues, NOT out of the determination of rights from wrongs, BUT out of the temptation of insulting and demonizing the nation and people of Japan based on their RACIAL PREJUDICE.
You are stoking the fire of hatred between
the peoples of Korea and Japan.What a shoddy people you are!
Look at the investment by Japanese companies
in S. Korea
declining sharply in recent years!
Were they sex slaves or camp followers?
A Korean delusional image of rounding-up young women under violence Actual comfort women following advancing Japanese Army Click to read ¨ "Comfort Women Statues Shame, Not Help, Koreans"
The author of this webpage has a word for people like Kathleen Donovan:
gPeople who are called rouges are not always real rogues. People who are called good people with moral excellence are not always real good people. There are many great hypocrites in this world, who commit evil acts under the mask of virtuous deeds.h
Real Intentions of S. Koreans
The photo to the left is the pictue of the broze plaque monted on the momument in Seoul called gHumiliation of Samjendo.h It depicts the Korean king of Joseon Dynasty kowtowing to Manchurian Emperor in 1636. Form the year thereafter, Joseon Dynasty Korea was regarded as vassal state of Qing Dynasty China.
The photo to the right is the sculpture recently unveiled in a privately-owned botanical garden in 2020. The name of the sculpture is gEternal Atonementh or gHeatfelt Apology.h
Can you see the similarity of the two sculptures? Can you see the real intention of South Koreans in the Comfort Women Issue? It is NOT the justice, but subjugation of Japan to South Korea, the eternal right to sponge on the Japanese wealth.
Desire for conquest
You people in Fort Lee NJ are a bunch of hypocrites and damned fools, who keep on making false allegation based on unfounded rumors, hearsay and outright lies, and thereby driving a wedge into the ties of Japan and the United States. Playing Dupes of CCP
Guess who gets the benefit out of it.
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