Korean Professor Seo Kyung-duk of the Sungshing Womenfs University is an ardent anti-Japan activist boisterous at the forefront of the Disparage-Japan Campaign.He appears every now and then in newspapers such as New York Times (de facto China Daily) in his malicious attempt of tarnishing Japanfs reputation as if his entire life exists for cultivating hatred between Japan and Korea, or Japan and the U.S.
Under the chubby smiling face, he hides his real face of a hate-promoter.
In early 2012, Korean newspapers carried an article stating that he had put up the posters like this one in many universities in Japan.
In October, 2012, jointly with Singer Kim Jang Hoon, Mr. Seo Kyung-duk put up a big scale poster in the Times square, New York that demands official apology of Japanfs Prime Minister for Comfort Women as German Chancellor Willy Brant did for Nazi Germanyfs holocaust in Poland.
Actually, kneeling down and begging mercy is what Koreans want for Japan and the Japanese.
To achieve their ultimate goal of subjugating Japan and the Japanese, they conjure up a hoax, fabricate lies, or use tricks whose mean-spiritedness is beyond human imagination.
Of course, Comfort Women Issue has nothing to do with the holocaust.
The reasons why Koreans want to subjugate Japan and the Japanese would belong to the area of socio-psychology. No one knows exactly why. The author considers that one reason is deep-rooted in their history of aristocrats-slaves relationship of Chosen Dynasty that lasted for a period of 500 years.
Aristocrats of the Chosen Dynasty were scornful of toil and hard-labor and often engaged in tricks, deception, or other siniter schemes in order to promote their status and demote their rivals, or extort money from slaves.
On the other hand, in Japan, honesty and honor has been No.1 prority for the samural class people. Thery were encouraged to use swords to kill enemy, or die, to keep his own honor. For non-samural class people, toil and hard-labor has been highly respected way of life. Sweat on your head and back is even considered noble. These values and attitude in life have been and still are the backbone of Japan's craftsmanship and high-technology today.
Koreans may want to consider them aristocrats and the Japanese their slaves.
gKneel down and bow. Ifm gonna stomp on your back.h For Koreans, this is the ideal relationship with Japan.
Of course, this master-slave relationship is NOT ACCETABLE FOR THE JAPANESE. Therefore, the U.S. has to choose either Japan or South Korea for its security partner in the Asia-Pacific Region.
Mr. Seo Kyung-duk with the commercial ad of gAttack on Pearl Harborh he placed on the New York Times just before PM Abefs Speech to the U.S. Congress on April 29, 2015.
Left: Mr. Seo Kyung Duk is trying to equate Japan's Rising Sun to Nazi Swastika
Right: Koreans bullying Chinese in Manchuria waving Rising Sun Flags during the Annexation Era. They claimed they were the loyal subjects of the Imperial Japan.
Below: "The Korean Youth Federation" marching in support of Japan's war effort during the WWII. (It seems the professor does not know Korea was part of the Imperial Japan during WWII.)
Anti-US, Anti-Japan Demonstration in Seoul, August 15, 2015
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